Monday, October 1, 2018

Day 23 - 25 Soldered Wire Bracelet Set

Learning Objective -  You will be able to work with forming wire and soldering while designing a bracelet set that is based on a famous artist's style.

Language Objective - Copy down the definition for soldering into your notebook or sketchbook and watch the demonstration.  
Soldering - when two pieces of metal are joined together using heat and a metal alloy. Basically, the metal alloy "glues" pieces of metal together. Examples of alloys that you would use would be a silver soldering alloy for silver, copper, and brass. A gold soldering alloy would work best for gold metal, which requires a higher temperature than silver. Soldering is similar to welding or brazing, both use heat to join pieces of metal together, however, soldering requires less heat.
Three Tips for Soldering
  1. Keep it clean: Solder won't flow and join your pieces of metal jewelry together if any part of the equation is dirty. (Metal, solder, flux)
  2. Get rid of gaps: Join the metal pieces you're soldering tightly together. Solder will not fill gaps in metal. Flatten pieces so that every part touches!!!
  3. Solder flows towards heat: Never direct the flame from your torch directly at the solder. Heat the metal where you want the solder to flow (towards the pieces needing joining). The whole piece needs to heated evenly!!!
Agenda -
  • Look at the artists you researched and use their work as inspiration for your designs. 
  • Draw 5 designs with three separate pieces of metal. These pieces will be linked together and combined using hand made chain work. 
    1. Artist Inspired Bracelets will be Due Thursday, October 18th.  
    2. Jewelry II- 
      • Finish up your beads Due This Thursday Oct. 4th
    Wire Designed Bracelet Set Rubric                              Standard: Invent and Discover to Create

    Demonstrate competency in   traditional and new art media
    Partially Proficient
    Evidence Outcome:
    Create works of art representing traditional subject matter that use new media
    Excellent care and craftsmanship shown in the work. Your design has more than 5 pierced areas. The design is based on nature and it is original, no cliché images were used. The bracelet is wearable no sharp edges or points, it’s curved properly and the links are neat and stable. Cutting is accurate on the piece and proper filing has left the edges completely smooth, and sanding has removed solder, file marks, and scratches. Wires are soldered completely to the surface and ends of the wire are filed. The surface is evenly sanded or polished the surface looks finished. If you used Liver of Sulfur the surface is even and properly sanded with steel wool to create a soft bright finish. 
    Proficient/satisfactory care, craftsmanship and skill shown in the work. Your design has at least 5 pierced areas. The design is based on nature and it is original, no cliché images were used. The bracelet is wearable no sharp edges or points, it’s curved properly and the links are neat and stable. Cutting is accurate on the piece and proper filing has left the edges mostly smooth, and sanding has removed most of the solder, file marks, and scratches. Wires are soldered completely to the surface and ends of the wire are filed. The surface is evenly sanded or polished the surface looks finished. If you used Liver of Sulfur the surface is even and properly sanded with steel wool to create a soft bright finish. 
    Developing care, craftsmanship and skill shown in the work.  Your design has less than 5 pierced areas. You may have used cliché images for the design. Piercing has some sharp edges or points and it may not have been curved properly. Cut out areas are over-cut. Cutting is mostly accurate on the piece. Proper filing has left the edges mostly smooth, and sanding has not removed all of the solder, file marks, and scratches. Wires are not completely soldered onto the surface and or the ends of the wire are not filed. The surface is not evenly sanded or polished. You may not have completed your bracelet with a smooth finish or patina.
    Beginning care, craftsmanship and skill shown in the work.  
    Your design has less than 4 pierced areas. You’ve used cliché images for the design. Piercing has sharp edges or points and is not curved. Cut out areas are over-cut. Cutting isn’t accurate on the piece. The work is not filed, and sanding has not removed all of the solder, file marks, and scratches on the surface. Wires are not completely soldered onto the surface and or the ends of the wire are not filed. The surface is not evenly sanded or polished. Your bracelet does not have a finish on the surface. 

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